

Article Index

November 1/2/3/4, 1999
The grey born black girl MAGNIFIQUE des Monts d'en Crauzille (Import from France * HD clear, CSNB clear) is mated with  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine * Import from Belgium * HD clear, PRA/SNB clear, CSNB Carrier, full breeding confirmation). On January 2, 2000, this girl whelps 11 puppies (5/6 - 2/0 grey, 3/6 black; raised 3/3 - 1/0 grey, 2/3 black) for the Austrian kennel de Marquis de Sade.

May 18, 1999
Our E litter (de la Maison du Garde-Barrière) is born: 4/4 black. Parents:  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine) x  Yazoo (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire).

May 10, 1999
Yazoo (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire) is certified CSNB clear (Certificate),  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine) is certified CSNB Carrier.

March 15/16/17/18, 1999
Yazoo (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire * Import from France * HD B/A, CSNB/PRA clear, full breeding confirmation * Austrian Junior Champion) has been bred to  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine * Import from Belgium * HD clear, PRA/SNB clear, CSNB Carrier, full breeding confirmation).

February 16/17, 1999
The grey born black girl MAGNIFIQUE des Monts d'en Crauzille (Import from France * HD clear), Austrian kennel de Marquis de Sade, is mated with  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine * Import from Belgium * HD clear, PRA/SNB clear, full breeding confirmation). Unfortunately she has no puppies out of this breeding.

November 25, 1998
Unser D litter (de la Maison du Garde-Barrière) is born: 6/1 fawn. Parents: Ch. FALKOR Kasiterit (HD clear) x Ch. ELLIS Kasiterit (HD clear).

March 3, 1998
Our C litter (de la Maison du Garde-Barrière) is born: 3/3 black. Parents:  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine) x Yazoo (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire).

January 11, 1998
The grey born black girl AMADEA Krasna celebrita (Finland, Import from Czech * HD clear, PRA clear) has an artificial insemination after our  Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine * Import from Belgium * HD clear, PRA-/SNB clear, full breeding confirmation) for the kennel de la Petite Noblesse in Finland. On March 16, 1998, this girl gives birth to 9 puppies (5/4 - 1/0 stillborn, 4/4 raised - black and grey born black).

December 30/31, 2007, and January 1/2/, 1998
Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine * Import from Belgium * HD clear, full breeding confirmation) mates Yazoo (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire * Import from France * HD B/A, full breeding confirmation * Austrian Junior Champion).

December 22, 1997
Samson (UGO de la Morne Plaine) is HD clear.

October 4, 1997
Our B litter (de la Maison du Garde-Barrière) is born: 0/1 grey born black. Parents: Rec. DARTAGNAN des Monts d'en Crauzille (Frankreich * grey * HD clear, Selected France, Elite A Franc, recommended) x  Arwa B. (ARWA Betkin dvor * Import from Slovakia * HD B/A). This girl is the first grey Briard in the Austrian history of Briard breeding.

August 1/2, 1997
Our  Arwa B. (ARWA Betkin dvor * Import from Slovakia * HD B/A) has been bred to Rec. DARTAGNAN des Monts d'en Crauzille (Frankreich * grey * HD clear, Selected France, Elite A Franc, recommended).

May 1997
Yazoo  (JCh. LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire) is HD B/A.

May 3, 1996
We have another boy out of a first class Belgium-French line: UGO de la Morne Plaine "Samson" (Sire: Rec. DARTAGNAN des Monts d'en Crauzille * grey * HD clear * Selected France, Elite A France, recommended; Dam: Ch. NAPAL du Clos des Cèdres * grey born black * HD clear * Champion France and Luxembourg, Selceted France, Belgium and Germany).

October 1, 1995
Our new enrichment, a girl out of best French line, has moved to us: LOULOU des Cèdres de la Montagne Noire "Yazoo" (Sire: Ch. PURSAN du Clos des Cèdres * homoz. black * HD clear * Champion France; Dam: Ch. MAGALIE du Clos des Cèdres * grey born black * HD clear * Champion Luxembourg).

January 31, 1994
The first litter of this kennel (de la Maison du Garde-Barrière), the A litter, is born: 5/6, 0/4 stillborn, 5/2 raised, 1/1 fawn, 4/1 black. Parents:  Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg) x Arwa Z. (ARWA Zevar CS).

August 1993
We have a second girl: The mother of our  Arwa B. (ARWA Betkin dvor),  ARWA Zevar CS (black * HD clear * SchH 1) should have been put down in Slovakia. As we had grown very fond with her at the occasion of her litter after our  Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg), we immediately pick her up and bring her here.

July 1993
Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg) passes the breeding confirmation (Koerung) and is fully admitted for lifetime and recommended for breeding.

June 11, 1993
Our kennel name de la Maison du Garde-Barrière is registered international to the owner Gerda Friedl.

December 24, 1992
The first girl moves here: Arwa B. (ARWA Betkin dvor), a daughter out of the first mating from our  Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg) and the Slovakian girl ARWA Zevar CS.

June 1992
Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg) passes the breeding confirmation ("Koerung") and is admitted breeding confirmation for one year.

Spring 1992
Sándor (Sándor von Anitzberg) is according to the vet HD clear, but from the responsible one for breeding matters in the VFSOe (Club for French Herding Dogs in Austria) he gets the entry HD A/B into his pedigree.